Foot and Ankle Therapy
Vertigo is complaints of feeling dizzy, lightheaded, nauseated or confused. It can come on suddenly after a night’s sleep for no reason, but can also flare after a Covid-19 vaccine or after a cold and /or sinus infection. Dizziness can be mild to severe making it difficult to turn over in bed, transitioning from lying to sitting, sitting to lying, sitting to standing and walking. Our team of professional therapist will evaluate your vertigo to determine which ear is affected and treat your condition appropriately and timely to get you back on track. Vertigo can usually be corrected in 1 to 3 visits with the right diagnosis and treatment. You do not need a physician’s referral, but we will contact your PCP to communicate for continuity of care and your safety.
Call our office for an immediate appointment at 405-265-2255.
Vertigo-associated disorders. (n.d.). MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.
Shoulder Pain after Covid-19 Vaccine
Many patients and providers are calling physical therapy clinics throughout the United States including Oklahoma for shoulder pain at the site of the injection. Doctors and physical therapist are unsure of the cause, but speculate an inflammatory response in the soft tissue from vaccine. Patients complain of point of site deep pain that limits shoulder active range of motion, weakness and loss of function and/or sleep.
Physical therapy treatment to resolve pain might include soft tissue mobilization, cupping, range of motion, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, dry needling and strengthening. Physical therapy visits to resolve pain and restore function is usually 3 to 6 visits. You do not need a physician’s referral to see a physical therapist, but we always send evaluation notes and / or contact your physician to communicate on your behalf and safety. Please contact our clinic at 405-265-2255 for immediate scheduling and treatment.
Wound Vac Care
Wound vac is a negative pressure suction using a sponge and occlusive draping to cover a wound to achieve accelerated healing. Wound vacs should only be placed on healthy red granulation tissue. Wound vac care and treatment in most cases is a simple procedure, but some cases require advanced skills and training to achieve desired results. Many wounds needing accelerating healing may need bridges, Y connectors, dressing separation and possible peri wound protection among other things. Healing wounds with a wound vac requires seeing your wound care team 2 to 3 times week for wound assessment, debridement and dressing changes.
Yukon Wound Care and Rehabilitations team of providers have over 25 years of experience in wound care and wound vac treatment. Our experience gives us advanced skills allowing us to think outside the box of traditional wound care and wound vac treatment. Beth verbalized, “This team gives a unique approach to wound care and vac treatment, not a cookie cutter approach applying the same steps and technique gained in initial training without regard for each person’s unique differences. They look and treat each person’s healing process, disease and body different.”
Our wound care patients get scheduling priority over other patients because wounds are very serious and get dangerous quickly. Scheduling is usually same day or the next day in most cases.
Call Joyce at 405-265-2255 for appointment scheduling.
Urostomy Care
Urostomy is a surgical procedure bypassing the bladder, making a stoma on the outside of the stomach to allow urine to flow. This procedure is performed to treat urinary diseases or other complications. In many cases the urostomy is temporary to allow healing, but some circumstances need to remain permanent. Urostomy treatment and care can be frustrating, painful and difficult for patients because urine constantly flows while changing the wafer / bag making it almost impossible to keep the skin clean and get a bag changed.
Urine on the skin can cause severe skin irritation and / or excoriation that becomes painful and too moist for the wafer to seal creating a viscous cycle for patients and provider. Our clinic provider is experienced in all stoma types including urostomies. Most patients are educated and healed in 2 to 3 visits. All of our wound care patients have priority getting scheduled because we know how painful and emotionally draining these types of wounds can be. Call our office at 405-265-2255 for and immediate appointment.
Ostomy. (n.d.). MedlinePlus – Health Information from the National Library of Medicine.
Low Back Pain During Pregnancy
Low back pain during pregnancy can be miserable for many new mothers, interfering with work, fun, sleep and daily activities. The pain usually begins in the 2nd trimester and generally located on one side of the low back and can cause radiating pain down the leg. Pain medication typically do not work for this type of pain and not recommended during pregnancy. Interventional treatment is usually physical therapy. Unfortunately, exercise is not helpful for this type of pain and in some exercise makes it worse.
Research shows acupuncture therapy and manual therapy are the most effective treatment. Our physical therapy clinic is extremely trained with excellent out-comes of 100% pain free after 1 to 3 visits. You do not need a prescription to schedule an appointment, but recommend contacting your physician before any treatment is started. Our clinic also provides same day service for patients experiencing severe pain.
Liddle, S. D., Pennick, V., & Liddle, S. D. (n.d.). Interventions for preventing and treating low‐back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 9.