Our feet are our foundation for most activities of life. They carry us through our daily life with walking, transfers, and
numerous leisure activities. Injuries and pain can limit those activities. Some injuries can include sprains, tendonitis and fractures, while other limiting factors can be arthritis, bone deformities or overall weakness. Treatment for a foot or ankle is determined after an evaluation of your pain, mobility, and strength. Hands on manual therapy for pain management and stretching are key components to understanding the issue and resolving the pain.
Overall skin and nail hygiene are observed to rule out painful callouses, corns, bunions, or ingrown toe nails as a contributing factor. As pain resolves, customized exercises, gait and agility training are utilized to strengthen the foot and ankle. Other treatment options can consist of shoe modifications, kinisesio taping, and support bracing. If needed, the physical therapist can recommend imaging such as an x-ray or MRI for furter diagnosis. Referral for further care with an orthopedic surgeon, podiatrist or specialist can be made. Returning to all activities is our primary goal! Self referral is always welcome and we will make direct contact with your primary care physician.