Physical therapy is much more than just about function it’s about treating the entire patient looking at a fitness and wellness side to patient care too. Physical therapist are well trained in nutrition, exercise and fitness and should be considered experts in rebuilding and restoring movement in patient’s lives.
Physical therapy focuses on helping, teaching and boosting patients to achieve stages of physical activity necessary to reduce and prevent disease (Ries, 2009).  Staying physically active as possible with limitations such as back, neck, hip, knee, ankle, feet or shoulder can be challenging. We recognize patient needs and accommodate fitness opportunities with guidance to remain fit and prevent disease.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) promotes PT / PTA role in physical wellness and fitness and began an campaign called “ Move Forward” to engage physical therapist in assisting the public in wellness and fitness (Ries,2009).
Sherri Boos
Ries, E. (2009). Well Beyond Function. PT in Motion, 1-11. Retrieved from June 2009