1. whirlpool therapyDoes it hurt? In 90 to 95% of patient’s it does not hurt. However, in some cases like a deep road rash or burn it can’t be painful in the first and second treatment.
  2. What is whirlpool used for? Gentle debridement and cleaning in and around the wound. Also, whirlpool can be used to assist in range of motion in elbows, wrist, fingers, toes, ankle and knees.
  3. What is the temperature needed in the whirlpool? The temperature is usually 85 to 92 F.
  4. What kind of wounds need whirlpool? Burns, dirty wounds, road rash and painful wounds.
  5. How often is it needed? As often as needed or until wound is clean or range of motion is achieved.
  6. How long does it take? 10 to 20 minutes to achieve goal.
  7. What is in the water? Tap water.
  8. What cleans or moves the water? Electric agitation or jet submerged into water.

      Our outpatient clinic can be reach at 405 265-2255 and fax is 405 2652215.